Important Information
for Dancers and Families.
Important Info-
*Please arrive one-hour before your scheduled competition time in case competitions are running early. If you are in the 1st Competition of the day, (First Feis or Championships) please be ready to dance 1/2 hour before your scheduled time.
*All Dancers must print their own Competitor Number off of Feisworx.
*If your dancer qualifies to move-up to the next level at Feis at the Falls, you must adjust their registration with the registration table attendent ON SATURDAY. There can be no level-adjustments on Sunday.
In Beginner, Advanced Beginner, and Novice the following will apply:
5-9 dancers; 1st place will advance to the next grade.
10 or more dancers: 1st and 2nd places will advance to the next grade. Dancers may not stay in level at Teacher discretion.
Prizewinner: advancement from Prizewinner to Preliminary Championship is at teacher discretion.
Preliminary to Open Championship: Must have 3 overall wins with 5 or more dancers, not at teacher
discretion. Upon winning their 3rd overall win in Preliminary Championships, a dancer must move
immediately to Open, even in the case of back-to-back feiseanna.
Special Trophy Competitions-
*Deirdre Abeid Hornpipe Dance Off. All Novice and Prizewinner Dancers who win their Hornpipe Competitions on Sunday qualify to compete for a a Special Memorial Trophy Honoring our Founder, Deirdre Abeid. This competition will take place directly before lunch in the grades room.
Costume Sales-
*Visit the rack by the registration table to view dresses for sale. If you would like to add your costume to the rack, please attach the price and your contact information so any potential buyers can contact you. There will not be an attendant monitoring the rack and the feis/venue is not responsible for your items.
In the works!
Food and Concessions-
There will be food and a coffee bar available on-site at our Feis Venue. The Venue asks that you refrain from bringing outside food or drink into the building. All outside food or drink must be eaten prior to entering the premises.
Want to know more about our City and where you can eat, play and shop? Click Here